More about Mennonites

We have gathered a number of links to websites that represent us in one way or another, as working partners, or by offering Mennonite perspectives on subjects like spirituality, peacemaking and community.

Third Way Cafe (“Everything you need to know about Amish, Mennonites and Anabaptist Values”)

Mennonite Church Canada  (our national denomination)

Mennonite Church Eastern Canada  (regional church grouping)

Mennonite World Conference (global organization of Mennonite/Anabaptist churches)

The Canadian Mennonite (national news magazine) (practical peacemaking)

Mennonite Central Committee (international relief, development and peacemaking in 50 countries)

Mennonite Disaster Service (cleanup and repair after disasters in North America)

Community Peacemaker Teams (violence-reduction teams in conflict areas around the globe)

St. Clair O’Connor Community (a Mennonite-built multigenerational residence/nursing home in East York)

Mennnonite New Life Centre (refugee and immigrant settlement agency; one of our building partners)

Ten Thousand Villages (fair-trade nonprofit that markets products made in the developing world)

Mennonite Centre in Ukraine  (aiding needy Ukrainians living in areas of former Mennonite settlement)


Who is a Mennonite? (Think you can tell one by looking?)

The Quickest Ever DVD Guide to Mennonites and their Values (A funny, breathless 4-minute YouTube video produced by Mennonite Health Services)