Learning from each other
Yes adults can still form and develop faith! Meet at 10 am on Sundays for a relaxed and thoughtful discussion and debate. You’ll find a wide range of points of view in the congregation, from new believers to skeptics to scholars. Various topics are presented by a range of leaders, offering an opportunity to question, banter, encourage, explain, clarify, and delight.
This hour can be structured or casual, lecture- or discussion-based. Topics may include Bible study, responses to sermons, social justice issues, the intersection of faith and career, or discussing what Mennonites and others in the greater faith community are exploring and doing.
Other opportunities for adult discussion
In addition to On the Way Cafe, groups meet from time to time on more focused topics, such as Parents ‘n Tots, Parents of Teens, and Bible studies. Newcomer classes are held each fall to help folks new to TUMC learn more about our history, beliefs and way of “doing church.”
Faith Exploration classes, held periodically and led by Pastor Michele Rizoli, allow newcomers, people testing their relationship to Christianity from an Anabaptist perspective and those considering baptism or church membership to ask questions and learn more in a comfortable, small-group setting.
Newcomers are always welcome to come, listen and participate.