Junior Youth


TUMC’s Junior Youth (grades 6-8) are affectionately known as the GERMS (Great Evening Recreation for Mennonite Students).  In addition to meeting weekly during Sunday School to discuss faith-related topics, the GERMS get together every few weeks or so to get to know each other, share life experiences in a supportive faith setting, and have a lot of fun!  Past GERMS events have included games and movie nights, progressive suppers, hikes and bike rides, pool parties, and an annual winter retreat – always a highlight of the year.

If you have any questions regarding the GERMS, contact germs@tumc.ca.

Junior Youth are also encouraged to participate in our mentoring program.

Click to see the upcoming events calendar, and then click on the “GERMS Jr Youth” category below the calendar to see the events for GERMS, which are highlighted in green.