A Safe Church

TUMC’s Safe Church Commitment

At TUMC, we believe that every person is made in the image of God and is entitled to be treated with dignity, respect and integrity. We seek to ensure that all of our programs provide a safe and nurturing environment, whether for children, youth or vulnerable adults. We recognize that people involved in positions of trust in such programs have important spiritual, moral, legal and societal responsibilities to minimize the risk of abuse of those who are vulnerable. While we do not want to create an atmosphere of suspicion, we recognize that the potential for abuse exists within our church context.

To minimize the risk of abuse, TUMC has developed a Safe Church Policy that includes guidelines for healthy relationships with children, youth and vulnerable adults; strategies for creating a safe environment at TUMC; and procedures for responding, reporting and recording incidents should they occur.

Sexual Misconduct by Leaders

TUMC is a member Church of Mennonite Church of Eastern Canada (MCEC). Should a case of sexual misconduct occur, MCEC has procedures in place to investigate allegations and protect the victims of abuse. More information about this process is available on the MCEC website.