September 4, 2022  Order of Service

Worship leader: Ernie Hamm

Speaker: Alison Li

Music: Tim Neufeldt, Linda Washburn

Children’s Time: Tobi Thiessen

Technical Team: Jon Brandt, Stephanie Hanna

Ushers: Harold and Tobi Thiessen

Scripture Readers: David Hamm, Clara Hamm

  1. Opening Hymn: VT #1 Summoned by the God Who Made Us

Welcome and land Acknowledgement


Call to Worship

Hymn: VT #9 Come Away from Rush and Hurry

Scripture Reading: Mark 6:31-44, David Hamm

Children’s Time: Tobi Thiessen

Giving with Gratitude

Congregational Prayer

Hymn:  VT #745   God, Whose Giving

Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 4: 8-11, Clara Hamm

Sermon: “Go and See”: Art, Abundance and Sheer Delight

Benediction: Numbers 6:24-26

Closing Hymn: VT# 81  All Creatures, Worship God Most High, 

Lobby Time

Listen to the Service here.

Listen to the sermon here.

Read the sermon here.