Welcoming and Belonging Part Two

Call to worship – Melanie
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Worship Leader: Melanie Penner
Speaker: Michele Rizoli
Music: Audrey and Geoff Wichert

Welcoming and Belonging Week Two
Gathering Hymns
VT #36 Let Us Build a House
VT #801 I’m Gonna Eat at the Welcome Table
Welcome and Land acknowledgment Melanie
Kingdom Reflection – MCEC Annual Gathering

Call to worship – Melanie
(VT 853)
Leader: If you are delighted to be here, and if you are tired or troubled
People: You are welcome
Leader: If your faith is strong and if your faith is battered or frail
People: You are welcome
Leader: If you are eager to praise God, and if you need to be quiet
People: You are welcome
All: God welcomes us all to worship today and promises to meet us here

VT #68 Akekho ofana / Hakuna wakaita/There’s No One in This World
Children’s time Melanie
VT #6 Let Us Walk Together
Scripture Reading Luke 5:17-26
Congregational Prayer
Scripture Romans 12:1-18
Sermon Michele Rizoli
VT #11 Mountain of God

Listen to service here.

Listen to sermon here.

Read sermon here.