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Worship Team
Worship Leader: Elizabeth Loewen
Speaker: Alison Li
Song Leader: Tim Neufeldt
Pianist: Ed Heese
Ushers: Christina Reimer and Rachel Schmidt
Tech Team (In-Person / Online): Bob Loewen and Ben Thiessen
Coffee Hour: David and Sherry Nelligan
Activity Period: Christine Sloss
Order of Service
Hymn VT 223 Bless’d Be the God of Israel
Hymn VT 220 Prepare the Way! The Prophet Called
Welcome and Land Acknowledgement
Call to Worship (Second Sunday of Advent)
Hymn VT 215 Oh, How Shall I Receive Thee?
Giving with Gratitude
Advent Candle Light (Advent Wreath Lighting)
Children’s Time
Hymn VT 212 Comfort, Comfort, O My People
Congregational Prayer
Scripture Reading: Malachi 3:1-4
Hymn VT 175 Planets Humming As They Wander
Scripture Reading: Luke 3: 1-6
Sermon: A highway for our God, Alison Li
Closing Hymn VT 829 Go Now in Peace, Worship Continues