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Worship Team
Worship Leader: Doreen Martens
Speaker: Michele Rizoli
Song Leader: Bob Loewen
Pianist: Mark Andrews
Ushers: Dave & Sherry Nelligan
Tech Team (In-Person / Online): Brad Lepp and Jonah Thiessen
Coffee Hour: David and Carol Ringer; Ernie Ham and Alison Li
Order of Service
Gathering Hymns
VT 62 God is Here Among Us
VT 175 Planets Humming as They Wander
Welcome, introductions, sharing the peace
Confession of Faith
Hymn: VT1 “Summoned by the God who Made Us”
Children’s Time (Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8)
Giving with Gratitude
Congregational Sharing & Prayer
Hymn: VT 568 ”Christ has no body here but ours”
Scripture: Philippians 1: 3-11
Hymn: VT44 “We Long to Know Her”
Song: VT 63 “Like a Rock” (led by children’s choir)
Gift presentation
Litany of Blessing & Release
Hymn: VT 70 “Praise God from Whom”
Instructions and Table Grace