You can listen to the service here.
You can listen to the sermon here.

Worship Team

Worship Leader: Mary Klein
Speaker: Caroline Sharp
Song Leader: J.D. Penner
Pianist: Linda Washburn
Ushers: Jennifer Stolte and Lara Munro
Tech Team (In-Person / Online): Jason Booy and Ben Thiessen
Coffee Hour: Brad and Jana Lepp

Order of Service

Gathering Hymn VT 806 Called by Earth and Sky
Welcome and Introductions – Welcome Song
Call to Worship and Land Acknowledgement
Hymn VT 802 Draw the Circle Wide
A Christian Prayer of Lament on the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (inspired by words of Psalm 5)
Hymn VT 644 Healer of Every Ill
Time with the Children – Peter Haresnape
Giving with Gratitude
HYMN VT 797 We are People of God’s Peace
Prayer: Joys and Concerns
Scripture Reading: Matthew 4: 23-25 (First Nations Version)
Sermon – Caroline Sharp
Benediction/Sending – Travelling Song