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Worship Team

Worship Leader:  Brad Lepp
Speaker:  Michele Rizoli
Song Leader: Jeff Taylor
Pianist: Lori Unger
Ushers: Tobi and Harold Thiessen
Tech Team (In-Person / Online): Bob Loewen and Jonah Thiessen
Coffee Hour: Marieke Meyer and Thane Ladner

Order of Service

Gathering Hymns
VT 7 – Come, Let us all Unite to Sing
VT 57 – Holy Spirit Come with Power (1&2, English & Spanish)
Welcome & Land Acknowledgement
Call to Worship: VT 380 (based on I Corinthians 12:4-7)
Giving with Gratitude and Congregational Prayer
Hymn VT 199: O God you Search Me
Sharing of Faith Story: Carolyn Heath with Jacqui Schmucker
Scripture Reading: Psalm 18: 1 – 3 and 6
Sharing of Faith Story: Madelene Arias with Mary Klein
Children’s Moment: Brad Lepp
Sharing of Faith Story: Lyf Stolte with Ken Salsman
TUMC Membership Covenant
Hymn of Response: Obey My Voice
Membership Reflection: Michele Rizoli
Hymn VT 540 Will you come and Follow Me