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You can listen to the sermon here.
You can read the sermon text here.

Worship Team

Worship Leader:  Melana Janzen
Meditation:  Michele Rizoli
Song Leader: Peter Voth
Pianist: Mark Andrews
Ushers: Christina Reimer and Rachel Schmidt
Tech Team (In-Person / Online): Lyf Stolte and Ben Thiessen

Order of Service

Pre-Service – Opening Prelude and Slide Show (10:55 to 11:02)
Gathering Hymn: VT # 536  I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
Welcome & Introductions
Hymn VT # 35  Come to the Water
Poem (Call to Worship & Land Acknowledgement) 
New Member Hymn (chosen by Trisha): VT # 813  Heart with Loving Hearts United 
Scripture Reading – Romans 12:5-13 (The ‘Voice’)
New Member Hymn (chosen by John David): VT #712 Beauty for Brokenness 
New Membership Stories & Covenants – John David Ashworth and Trisha Ashworth 
Faith Partners: Pieter Niemeyer and Mauricio Palacio
Hymn – Obey My Voice (lyrics provided)
Time with the Children – Laura Giesbrecht
Giving with Gratitude
VT #1021 or VT #1023
Joys & Concerns – Michele Rizoli
Meditation – Michele Rizoli
Benediction/Sending – VT 810  Go, My Friends, in Grace