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You can listen to the sermon here.
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Worship Team

Worship Leader: Carolyn Loewen
Speaker: Peter Haresnape
Song Leader: Bob Loewen
Pianist: Sandra Horst
Ushers: Herb Buckwalter, Kathleen Blenich
Tech Team (In-Person / Online): Dennis Giesbrecht and Jonah Thiessen

Order of Service

Pre-Service Singing: Hymn VT #22 What is this Place?
Hymn VT #6 Let’s Walk Together
Call to Worship VT #866
Welcome and Introductions
Land Acknowledgement and Hymn
Scripture Reading Psalm 146 (NIV)
Hymn VT #90 Masithi: Amen (Sing Amen)
Giving With Gratitude
Sunday School Teacher Introduction – Lori Unger
Scripture Reading Matthew 20: 20 – 28 (NIV)
Hymn VT #719 Jesus Help Us Live in Peace
Children’s Time and Presentation of Bible Story Book to Grade 3’s
Children to Activity Period
Congregational Prayer
Closing Hymn VT #605 My Life Flows On
Closing Music
“Lobby Time” for online