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Worship Team

Worship Leader: Lorenda Reddekopp
Speaker: Lyf Stolte
Song Leader: Geoff Wichert
Pianist: Audrey Wichert
Ushers: Doreen Martens and Jeff Taylor
Tech Team (In-Person / Online): Jason Booy and Jonah Thiessen

Order of Service

Gathering Songs
VT #166 Your Love is Washing Over Me
VT #7 Come Let Us All Unite to Sing
Welcome and Land Acknowledgement: Lorenda Reddekopp
Hymn VT #63 Like a Rock
Scripture Reading: Psalm 84:1-12
Congregational Prayer: Peter Haresnape
Giving With Gratitude
Hymn VT #374 There are Many Gifts
Scripture Reading: Matthew 8:18-20
Children’s Feature: Lorenda Reddekopp
Hymn VT #715 Longing for Light
Sermon: Home, Lyf Stolte
Hymn VT #779 You’re Not Alone