You can listen to the service here.
You can listen to the sermon here.
You can read the sermon text here.

Worship Team

Worship Leader: Tobi & Harold Thiessen
Speaker: Alison Li
Song Leader: Peter Voth
Pianist: Audrey Wichert
Ushers: Jennifer Stolte and Lara Munro
Tech Team (In-Person / Online): Jason Booy and Ben Thiessen

Order of Service

Gathering Hymns:
VT 95 Praise the Lord, Sing Hallelujah
VT 197 God’s Glory Fills the Heavens
Welcome, land acknowledgement, introductions
Call to Worship
Hymn VT 514 I Saw a Tree by the Riverside
Scripture: Romans 11:33-36
Hymn VT 422 Called or not called, God is there
Giving with gratitude
Congregational Prayer
Time with the children
Sermon “Unboxing Paradox”
Hymn VT 827 Move in our midst

Romans 11:33-36

33 Yes, God’s riches are very great, and his wisdom and knowledge have no end! No one can explain the things God decides or understand his ways. 34 As the Scripture says,

“Who has known the mind of the Lord,
or who has been able to give him advice?” Isaiah 40:13
35 “No one has ever given God anything
that he must pay back.” Job 41:11

36 Yes, God made all things, and everything continues through him and for him. To him be the glory forever! Amen.