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Worship Team

Worship Leader: Ted Steenburg
Speaker: Haven Klassen
Song Leader: JD Penner
Pianist: Sandra Horst
Ushers: Doreen Martens and Jeff Taylor
Tech Team (In-Person / Online): Brad Lepp and Ben Thiessen

Order of Service

Opening Hymns
VT #34 – We Praise You, O God, Our Redeemer
VT #29 – Come, Now is the Time to Worship
Intro & Call to Worship
VT #859
Welcome and Land Acknowledgement
Giving with Gratitude
VT #548 – Open, Lord, My Inward Ear
VT #200 – Darkness is Not Dark to You, O God
Congregational Prayer: Peter Haresnape
Scripture Reading
Video: Ecclesiastes 3:9-15
Children’s Time
“Unboxing Now and Forever” by Haven Klassen
Hymn: VT #653 – Nothing Is Lost on the Breath of God
Benediction: VT #21
Postlude/Closing Music : “Spiegel Im Spiegel”

Ecclesiastes 3: 9-15

9 Do people really gain anything from their work? 10 I saw the hard work God has given people to do. 11 God has given them a desire to know the future. He does everything just right and on time, but people can never completely understand what he is doing. 12 So I realize that the best thing for them is to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live. 13 God wants all people to eat and drink and be happy in their work, which are gifts from God. 14 I know that everything God does will continue forever. People cannot add anything to what God has done, and they cannot take anything away from it. God does it this way to make people respect him.

15 What happens now has happened in the past,
and what will happen in the future has happened before.
God makes the same things happen again and again.