Worship Leader: Michele Rizoli
Speaker: Gary Harder
Song Leader: Bob Loewen
Pianist: Mark Andrews
Ushers: Tobi and Harold Thiessen
Tech Team (In-Person / Online): Jon Brandt/ Stephanie Hanna
Coffee: David and Carol Ringer
Activity Period: Laura Giesbrecht

Gathering Hymns
VT 22 What is this place (1967)
VT 36 Let us Build a House

Call to Worship
Psalm 95:1-7
Land acknowledgement

Introductory words
VT 797 – We are people of God’s Peace (1544)
Formal Greetings
Cantemos al Señor (HWB 55)
Children’s music – Damaris Schmucker leading
Children’s story (our story) – Doreen Martens

Offertory (Giving with Gratitude): slips of paper with thanksgiving

Congregational Prayer
VT 114 Nun danket alles Gott (1858) – 1 verse in German, 1,2,alternate 3 in English
Scripture reading: Exodus 3:1-12 – Haven Klassen
Luke 9:28-35 – Audrey Wichert

Sermon: “The mountain and the burning bush – celebrating seventy five years”, Gary Harder

VT 70 Praise God from whom all blessings flow (1695/1830)


Psalm 95:1-7
95 Come, let’s sing out loud to the Lord!
Let’s raise a joyful shout to the rock of our salvation!
2 Let’s come before God with thanks!
Let’s shout songs of joy to God!
3 The Lord is a great God,
the great ruler over all other gods.
4 The earth’s depths are in God’s hands;
the mountain heights belong to God;
5 the sea, which God made, is God’s
along with the dry ground,
which God’s own hands formed.

6 Come, let’s worship and bow down!
Let’s kneel before the Lord, our maker!
7 The Lord is our God,
and we are the people of God’s pasture,
the sheep in God’s hands.

If only you would listen to God’s voice right now!

Exodus 3:1-12
Moses at the burning bush
3 Moses was taking care of the flock for his father-in-law Jethro, Midian’s priest. He led his flock out to the edge of the desert, and he came to God’s mountain called Horeb. 2 The Lord’s messenger appeared to him in a flame of fire in the middle of a bush. Moses saw that the bush was in flames, but it didn’t burn up. 3 Then Moses said to himself, Let me check out this amazing sight and find out why the bush isn’t burning up.

4 When the Lord saw that he was coming to look, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!”

Moses said, “I’m here.”

5 Then the Lord said, “Don’t come any closer! Take off your sandals, because you are standing on holy ground.” 6 He continued, “I am the God of your father, Abraham’s God, Isaac’s God, and Jacob’s God.” Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God.

7 Then the Lord said, “I’ve clearly seen my people oppressed in Egypt. I’ve heard their cry of injustice because of their slave masters. I know about their pain. 8 I’ve come down to rescue them from the Egyptians in order to take them out of that land and bring them to a good and broad land, a land that’s full of milk and honey, a place where the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites all live. 9 Now the Israelites’ cries of injustice have reached me. I’ve seen just how much the Egyptians have oppressed them. 10 So get going. I’m sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt.”

11 But Moses said to God, “Who am I to go to Pharaoh and to bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”

12 God said, “I’ll be with you. And this will show you that I’m the one who sent you. After you bring the people out of Egypt, you will come back here and worship God on this mountain.”

Luke 9:28-35
Jesus transformed
28 About eight days after Jesus said these things, he took Peter, John, and James, and went up on a mountain to pray. 29 As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed and his clothes flashed white like lightning. 30 Two men, Moses and Elijah, were talking with him. 31 They were clothed with heavenly splendor and spoke about Jesus’ departure, which he would achieve in Jerusalem. 32 Peter and those with him were almost overcome by sleep, but they managed to stay awake and saw his glory as well as the two men with him.

33 As the two men were about to leave Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, it’s good that we’re here. We should construct three shrines: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah”—but he didn’t know what he was saying. 34 Peter was still speaking when a cloud overshadowed them. As they entered the cloud, they were overcome with awe.

35 Then a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, my chosen one. Listen to him!”

Listen to the service here.

Listen to the sermon here.

Read the sermon here.