Sermons & Worship Audio

The Big Playwright in the Sky – Brad Lepp – Aug 10 2008

The Big Playwright in the Sky August 10, 2008 Brad Lepp Text: Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b Romans 10:5-15 Matthew 14:22-33 “Just Jazz it Up!” Two Sundays ago we heard Al tell us that Jazz isn’t an effect to be placed on something, but rather a starting place and lens through which to approach life. That we need to be masters of the skills of life, so that we can put it aside and effortlessly be in the…

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Reflections – Tim Schmucker – Aug 3 2008

Reflection August 3, 2008 Tim Schmucker Text: Acts 10 The sermon I was to give today had grown out of a challenge from the preaching team to preach on business and money. That was going to be hard enough – I thought I had gotten out of it with this malaria or dengue tropical disease – but not quite, I guess. So, now I have a 7 minute reflection, and it’s about sexuality. Umm, not sure which is more difficult.…

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From Babel to Pentecost – Gary Harder – May 27/07

From Babel to Pentecost May 27th, 2007 (Pentecost) Gary Harder Text: Genesis 11:1-9 Luke 24:45-53 Acts 2 Introduction This week I finished reading Immaculee Llbagiza’s book “Left to tell – Discovering God amidst the Rwandan Holocaust”. It is a powerful and disturbing book. The Hutus and Tutsis were the two biggest tribes in Rwanda. Mostly they got along very well with each other, living in the same villages, inter-marrying, going to school together, forming fast friendships with each other. Deep…

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Global Warming and Predictions From Modern Day Prophets – John Lobach – Feb. 4/07

Global Warming and Predictions From Modern Day Prophets February 4th, 2007  John Lobach Text: Genesis 6:5-8, 7:10-11 Jonah 1:1-3, 3:1-2, 3:10  I am here as Pastchair, to share some of my thoughts with you. On reflection, it was a year of many personnel changes and I could talk about the many gifts required in a well functioning church community, but today, I would like to talk about a gift in a different way, God’s gift of nature to us, which…

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