Sermons & Worship Audio

It is better to obey God than Man – MacLeord Baker Ochola II – Oct. 23/05

It is better to obey God than man, and to speak His word with Boldness. October 23rd, 2005 Rev. MacLeord Baker Ochola II [retired bishop of Kitgum Church Uganda] Text:     Acts 5:27-29There is a Luo saying that” “Anyaka ma wang mine oto myelo neon ceng” – meaning that a youthful girl whose mother’s eyes are blind, dances looking at the sun. The people of Northern Uganda, like this youthful girl, must dance looking at the sun because all our…

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Messengers of Faith, Love and Hope – Ardith Frey – Oct. 16/05

“MESSENGERS OF FAITH, LOVE AND HOPE” Commissioning of Pastors for Youth Ministries, Maureen Louth & Jonathan Slater October 16th, 2005 Ardith Frey [representing Leadership Commission of MCEC] Text:I Thessalonians 1: 1-10 Allow me to greet you with a paraphrase of Paul’s greeting to the church at Thessalonica.To the Toronto United Mennonite Church From my colleagues in the Leadership Commission of MCEC and Muriel Bechtel, Minister of Pastoral Services. “Grace to you and peace. We give thanks to God for all…

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What does the crucifixion have to do with Thanksgiving? – Gary Harder – Oct. 9/05

What does the crucifixion have to do with Thanksgiving? October 9th, 2005 Gary Harder Text:Luke 23: 32-38 Introduction(Our thanksgiving service was a celebration held in three languages, Spanish, Korean and English. Because of translation, the sermon needed to be quite short) It comes as a bit of a shock to read the crucifixion story from Luke on this Thanksgiving Sunday. We read the crucifixion story only on Good Friday, don’t we? And shouldn’t we be reading upbeat praise and joy…

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Curled or Unfurled: The challenge and blessings of gratitude – Marilyn Zehr, Oct. 11/09

October 11, 2009 Marilyn Zehr     Joel 2:21-27 and Luke 12:13-21   Thanksgiving.   There is much to be thankful for.  We live in a land of abundance. It is the time of the year when much of the food in this province, in this country has been harvested and we know without even giving it much thought that we will likely have plenty to eat all winter.  And yet, with all of this abundance, sometimes we have to remind…

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Filing a Complaint – Michele Rizoli – September 27, 2009

Filing a Complaint September 27, 2009 Michele Rizoli Psalm 89   (Background: Psalm has been read by two readers contrasting verses: 9-21 with 38-39, 22-28 with 40-44, 29-32 with 45, 33-37 with 46-51, verse 52 together) What is going on in this Psalm? It starts with a anthem to God’s awesomeness in creation, to God’s superiority over other gods. It then recounts the psalmist’s version of God’s covenant with the Davidic dynasty, then enumerates all the ways he perceives that…

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Another Look – David Brubacher – Sept. 20/09

ANOTHER LOOK September 20, 2009 David Brubacher Jeremiah 52:31-34 Luke 5:1-11 Recently I was reading a classic piece of literature that highlights the significance of taking another look. I quote, “I would not like them here or there. I would not like them anywhere. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-am.” After much coaxing, the Cat-in-the Hat finally says to Sam-I-am, “Sam! If you will let me be, I will try them. You…

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For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us – Doug Johnson Hatlem – May 24 2009

For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us May 24, 2009 Doug Johnson Hatlem Introduction Last month, the New York Yankees played their home opener in the brand new, 1.6 billion dollar Yankee Stadium. On hand to throw out the first pitch was Yogi Berra. Berra is, of course, famous not only for his skills as a great Yankee backstop and slugger, but for the foolish wisdom of his one liners. Most famously: It ain’t over…

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Grandeur of Dappled Things – Jodie Boyer Hatlem and Doug Johnson Hatlem – Aug. 9/09

 Grandeur of Dappled Things August 9, 2009Jodie Boyer Hatlem and Doug Johnson Hatlem PIED BEAUTY(Gerard Manley Hopkins) GLORY be to God for dappled things— For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings;Landscape plotted and pieced—fold, fallow, and plough;And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim.                All things counter, original, spare, strange;Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:  Praise…

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Planter and Waters Needed – Jeff Taylor – Feb 8 2009

Planter and Waters Needed February 8, 2009 Jeff Taylor “One planted, another watered, but God gave the increase. So then, what is Paul, what is Appolos?” “Are you kidding me?!” protests the Corinthian believer, “They planted our church; they gave us life and fed us milk like newborn babies. They watered us when we were about to shrivel and die. What are they!?” What are the several mission ministers who came, one after another, almost annually, to plant and water…

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The Big Playwright in the Sky – Brad Lepp – Aug 10 2008

The Big Playwright in the Sky August 10, 2008 Brad Lepp Text: Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b Romans 10:5-15 Matthew 14:22-33 “Just Jazz it Up!” Two Sundays ago we heard Al tell us that Jazz isn’t an effect to be placed on something, but rather a starting place and lens through which to approach life. That we need to be masters of the skills of life, so that we can put it aside and effortlessly be in the…

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