Sermons & Worship Audio

Hiding and Seeking – Gary Harder – Sept. 10/06

Hiding and Seeking  September 10th  Gary Harder    Texts:   Psalm 139: 1-12 Isaiah 58:6-9 Luke 15:3-7   Introduction The game is universal. Hide and seek. “17, 18, 19, 20. Here I come, ready or not”. If the children are still quite small, the hider might help the seeker. “Is anyone under that desk, the seeker asks”? “Nope”, comes the answer from under that desk. But the point of the game, when you are young, is to be found – and…

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Being Downright Practical – Gary Harder – Sept. 3/06

Being downright practical  September 3rd  Gary Harder    Texts:   Psalm 15 James 1:17-27   Introduction On this labour day week-end our lectionary texts happen to be about labouring. About doing good works. About living out our faith. The texts are about being downright practical about our faith.   But before getting to these texts I want to set up a debate – an argument – between two sides.   Listen to Romans 1:17 “For the righteousness of God is revealed…

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"This Teaching is Difficult, who can Accept It?" – Jeremy Bergen – Aug. 27/06

“This teaching is difficult, who can accept it?”  August 27th  Jeremy Bergen    Texts:   Joshua 24:1-2a; 14-18; Psalm 34:15-22; John 6:56-69   The sermon today should be short and simple. Our summer series has been on the theme of being bread. The theme suggested for today is “Eat and Live.” And we are presented with some stories, and with a psalm that appear to illustrate this well. That is, if we eat the bread God gives us, then we will…

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Becoming Bread – Gary Harder – Aug. 20/06

  Becoming Bread: “STARVING AND DEPRESSED IN THE MIDST OF A GIANT SMORG”  August 20th  Gary Harder    Text:   1 Kings 19:1-8; 11-12   Introduction When the drought set in, in Israel – no rain at all. None – when the drought set in, God told Elijah to flee to a little creek. He was supposed to hide there, drink from the creek, and he was supposed to wait there for ravens to feed him. (1 Kings 17:2-4)   I…

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Living Abundantly in the Midst of AIDS – Sarah Adams – Aug. 13/06

Living Abundantly In The Midst Of AIDS  August 13th Sarah Adams  Text:   John 10:1-10   AIDS Conference in the news – Ecumenical – InterfaithTheme – Keeping the Promise – governments, companies, us, GodOur text today is about one of those promises from God.“I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly.” Abundant life – a promise from God. So what have you heard about AIDS? 25 year anniversary. 40 m. infected. 2.3 million children. (50% die before 2; 80%…

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Nourished by the Roots – Gary Harder – Aug. 6/06

Becoming Bread Nourished by the roots  August 6th  Gary Harder    Text:   John 6:15; 25-35   This will have to be a very serious sermon. A very, very serious sermon. No smiling allowed. You see, if you smile, I will have to smile. That won’t do. If I smile I will reveal to you that one of my front teeth is gone. I don’t want you to know that. My dentist tried glueing it back in several times, but it…

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Sowing Seeds with Understanding and Patience – Tera Dyck – June 18/06

  SOWING SEEDS WITH UNDERSTANDING AND PATIENCE  June 18th  Tera Dyck    Texts:   1 Samuel 15:34 – 16:13 Mark 4:26-34   Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, Yahweh, our rock, and our redeemer. Let me begin by telling you a reoccurring dream I have. I’m in exam time. I’ve studied SO hard for my exam, and I’m feeling quite good about it. In fact, I feel SO good about…

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Answering the Call – Gary Harder – June 11/06

ANSWERING THE CALL  June 11th  Gary Harder    Texts:   Isaiah 6:1-8  Romans 8:14-17   Introduction It’s good to be back in this pulpit after five months sitting in the pew. I want to express my deep appreciation to you, my congregation, for giving me this five-month partial sabbatical. What this time has meant for me was, in the first place, no evening meetings – a rich gift all on its own. But a more important piece to me has been…

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The Ascent to Action – Tera Dyck – May 28/06

THE ASCENT TO ACTION  May 28th  Tera Dyck, Summer Student Minister    Texts:   Psalm 1 John 17:6-10 Acts 1:1-11; 15-17; 21-26 Luke 24   Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, Yahweh, our rock, and our redeemer.   Second goodbyes are always very awkward for me. I just don’t like them. The last few days at Canadian Mennonite University in the Katherine Friesen Apartments, more fondly referred to as “the…

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Ready – For What? – Jane Pritchard – May 14/06

Ready – for what?  May 14th  Jane Pritchard    May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer (Ps. 19:14)   The four lectionary readings for this Sunday proved a challenge to weave into a sermon. Of course they all reflect in some way our proximity to the Easter events and the coming of the holy Spirit at Pentecost; they don’t have much to say…

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