Sermons & Worship Audio

Blessed Hunger, Holy Feast: Of Violence and Intimacy – Gary Harder – March 4/07

  2nd Sunday of Lent Theme “Blessed Hunger, Holy Feast” Of Violence and Intimacy March 4th, 2007  Gary Harder   Text:   Psalm 27:1-5 Genesis 15:12-15 Luke 13:31-35   The Hornbill I always enjoy reading the stories which pastor and author Walter Wangerin writes. He provided some of my Lenten inspiration this week with his story of “The Hornbill” (Manger, p.21) In the rain forests of Africa there lives a common, awkward, ugly bird. But I will honour her as exquisite,…

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Of Violence and Intimacy – Gary Harder – Feb. 18/07

  Of Violence and Intimacy  February 18th, 2007  Gary Harder   Text:   Judges 13-16 (16:4-9, 15-22)   Introduction “Please be my valentine”. “Come, cupid, shoot your arrows, make us fall madly in love, instantly, magically. Kindle, rekindle, romance.” Valentines day has slipped by us once again. Was yours a hugely romantic day? Or were you like Charlie Brown who waits by his mailbox all day waiting for even one valentine, but not one comes. During this season we need to…

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Like a Tree Planted by Water – Jeremy Bergen – Feb. 11/07

  Like a Tree Planted by Water  February 11th, 2007  Jeremy Bergen   Text:   Jeremiah 17:5-10 Psalm 1               When I was 5, my parents bought their first house.  Until that point, as relatively poor students, they had rented apartments in Winnipeg, and for two years we lived in family housing at the Mennonite seminary in Elkhart, Indiana, where my parents were students.  They moved back to Winnipeg, and with their two point zero kids—myself and my younger sister,…

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Humble Ourselves and Pray – Gerry Doerksen – Feb. 4/07

Humble Ourselves and Pray  February 4th, 2007  Gerry Doerksen   Text:   2 Chronicles 7:14   Good morning!   If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways Then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land. (2nd Chronicles 7:14 ) This Old Testament passage has been important to me since my Bible School days. I think I like it so much because,…

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Fellowship Gone Global – Gary Harder – Jan. 28/07

Fellowship Gone Global  January 28th, 2007  Gary Harder   Text:   Psalm 71:1-6 Jeremiah 1:4-13 1 Corinthians 13:8-13   Introduction: Seeing in a mirror dimly Just over two weeks ago now I had some very minor surgery on my right eye. As surgeries go this was about as minor as it gets, though the technical name for it is quite impressive. Right medial pterygium excision and conjunctival transplant. No, not a cataract surgery. It is simply that a film was growing…

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The Gift Exchange – Michele Rizoli – Jan. 14/07

The Gift Exchange  January 14th, 2007  Michele Rizoli   Text:   John 2:1-11 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Psalm 36:5-10   Now that Christmas is over, we’re taking down decorations, starting diets and maybe heading to the stores to exchange some gifts. I need to tell you that one of my culture-shock experiences in North America is the idea that it is acceptable to exchange a gift.  I can understand the need for a different size of something, or maybe a different colour sweater,…

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Love Reveals the Way – Gary Harder – Jan. 7/07

Love Reveals the Way  January 7th, 2007  Gary Harder   Text:   Isaiah 43:1-7 Luke 3:15-17; 21-22   Introduction “I have called you by name, you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1). “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22). I was intrigued this week by the two lectionary texts for today. The one from Isaiah 43 is addressed to exiles. It is addressed to people in despair. The second one, from Luke 3, is addressed to…

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Love Frees From Fear – Geoff Wichert – Dec. 17/06

    Love Frees From Fear December 17th, 2006Geoff Wichert   Text:   Isaiah 12:2-6 Zephaniah 3:14-20 Luke 3:7-18 Philippians 4:4-8   Most of today’s texts talk about not being afraid but first I want us to note how much fear is part of the Christmas story in fact, according to the gospel accounts, each of the major characters is instructed by an angel to not be afraid Stories: to Zechariah: “Then there appeared to him an angel of the Lord,…

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Love Invites Repentance – Gary Harder – Dec. 10/06

Love Invites Repentance  December 10th, 2006  Gary Harder   Text:   Malachi 3:1-4 Luke 3:1-6    Introduction Ah, the baby grew up – and who could have known what the adult version would look like. The cute baby became a – well, a desert hermit breathing thunder and telling people off, calling them a brood of vipers. His parents were really too old to have a baby, and because his father just didn’t believe the angels message that his wife would…

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Sermon on the Mount: Living Into Dying, and Dying Into Living- Gary Harder – Nov. 26/06

Sermon on the Mount #9 (Conclusion): Living Into Dying, and Dying Into Living  November 26th, 2006 Gary Harder  Text:   Matthew 7:13-28   IntroductionWe come today to the end of our series of sermons on the Sermon on the Mount. The section for today, Matthew 7:13-28 is often called the “Epilogue”. We come today also to the last Sunday of the old church year. Next Sunday, the first Sunday of Advent, begins the new church year. This last Sunday is called “Eternity…

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