Sermons & Worship Audio

Pentecost: New Life Unleashed – David Brubacher – May 11/08

New Life Unleashed May 11, 2008 David Brubacher Text: Acts 2:1-21 Psalm 104:24-34   Introduction:   I did not hear the sound of a loud rushing wind. Nor did I see tongues of fire on people’s heads. As best as I could tell there was no extraordinary gift of language either. Yet I believe what I heard and saw is the very essence of what we celebrate today in Pentecost. I saw new life unleashed. At the annual gathering of MCEC…

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Easter VI: A time to plant, a time to tend what is planted… – Marilyn Zehr – May 4/08

  A time to plant, a time to tend what is planted, and a time to let it all go to seed May 4, 2008 Marilyn Zehr Text: Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 I Peter 5:4-10   A time to plant a time to tend what is planted and a time to let it all go to seed. What could I possibly mean – especially that last part – is there ever a time to let it all go to seed?  – The…

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Easter V: Wounded and Blessed – Betty Pries – April 20/08

Wounded and Blessed April 20, 2008 Betty Pries Text: Genesis 32:22-32   Several years ago, I read a short snippet in a Globe & Mail article regarding personal transformation.  The author was suggesting that there are two ways in life through which one can be transformed.  One is to have a nervous breakdown.  The other is to get married.   While the author was trying to be humorous, the question of how we are transformed is an important one and in…

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Easter IV: Come In! – David Brubacher – April 13/08

Come In! April 13, 2008 David Brubacher Text: John 10:1-10 Psalm 23   Introduction:   There is a myth that suggests men do not like to ask for directions. Admittedly it might be more than a myth. In my carpentry work, installing doors and locksets is a specialty of mine. At one time I prided myself of not needing instructions to install a lockset. I argued that once I figured it out myself I would remember better for the next time.…

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Easter III: When our hearts burn – David Brubacher – April 6/08

  When our hearts burn April 6, 2008 David Brubacher Text: Luke 24:13-35 Psalm 116   Introduction:   I sensed a burning in my heart. The young girl waiting on me in the local pharmacy looked familiar. The burning suggested I should know her. In the grocery store next door I remembered that I had done the finish carpentry in her family’s dream home. I was always intrigued by the way this girl and her younger siblings helped with odd jobs…

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Easter II: My Lord and My God – Doug Johnson Hatlem – March 30/08

  My Lord and My God March 30, 2008 Doug Johnson Hatlem Text: John 20:19-31   The Lord IS risen.  Risen indeed.  Jesus has emptied his tomb.  His body revivified.  Death conquered – death, that last enemy, which according to Paul, is now, and shall be, abolished. Here we are a week later. Christ is Risen!  The regency of Israel’s Messiah is in its infancy.  The world does not yet know that it has been conquered. Jesus has been lifted…

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Easter: Resurrection Today – David Brubacher – March 23/08

Resurrection Today March 23, 2008 David Brubacher Text: Matthew 28:1-10 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24   Introduction:   If had been a chaotic week. Yet in the middle of everything, I experienced something profound. I think of it as the power of Jesus’ resurrection. It was the week my mother died. On a Saturday morning twenty-three months ago my mother was admitted to hospital with what seemed like routine gallbladder systems. On Monday she was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer. She died Saturday…

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Palm Sunday: With Jesus into Jerusalem – Jonathan Slater – March 16/08

With Jesus into Jerusalem March 16, 2008 Jonathan Slater Text: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 Matthew 21:1-11 Isaiah 50:4-9   Today we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem; we have seen a glimpse of what that day might have looked like from the perspective of a range of characters:   There is Mary, Jesus’ Mother, worrying that her son has gone too far this time – That such a public, political statement, and in Jerusalem at the time of Passover, can bring…

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Lent V: Can Dead Bones Live? – David Brubacher – March 9/08

  Can Dead Bones Live? March 9, 2008 David Brubacher Text: Ezekiel 37:1-14 John 11:1-44   Introduction:   A legend tells of a man who lived with his wife, two small children and his elderly parents in a small hut. The noise and crowded condition got to him. In desperation he consulted the village wise man. “Do you have a rooster?” asked the wise man. “Yes,” the man replied.  “Keep the rooster in the hut with the family, and come see…

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Lent IV: What do you see? – Michele Rizoli – March 2/08

What do you see? March 2, 2008 Michele Rizoli Text: I Samuel 16:1-3 John 9:1-41   Take a moment to brainstorm with me about how many different ways we have of seeing things in today’s world. We can use corrective lenses, sunglasses, [from the congregation: telescopes, swimming goggles, binoculars, windows, lights, magnifying glasses, webcams, microscopes, fingertips, camera, television, the mind’s eye]. Electron microscopes can magnify up to 2 million times (I found that number amazing). We have telescopes to see…

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