Sermons & Worship Audio

From There to Here – David Brubacher – Sept. 28/08

  From There to Here September 28, 2008 David Brubacher Text: Exodus 17:1-7 Exodus 3         How do we get from there to here and from here to there? In many respects, that’s the question we have been asking in the last months as we have reconsidered TUMC’s identity and purpose. Another aspect of the question is, “By whose strength do we get from there to here, and from here to there?”  The obvious answer is, “By…

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Light for Life’s Path – David Brubacher – Sept. 14/08

Light for Life’s Path September 14, 2008 David Brubacher Text: Psalm 119:105-112 Matthew 5:13-16         In preparation for this sermon I pondered some of the earliest influences that shone a light of faith my life path. Of course there was my mother. She was just always there providing nurture much as I understand God even to this day. My dad was a role model for life and encouraged my developing technical skills. In his own quiet way…

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Faith on the Off-Beat – David Brubacher – Aug. 24/08

Faith on the Off-Beat August 24, 2008 David Brubacher Text: Exodus 1:8-2:10 Romans 12:1-8           Introduction:   I have always liked things to work.  As a young boy I remember struggling with a gate on my grandfather’s farm.  The gate dragged on the ground because a major support piece was broken.  Things like that frustrate me.             Talk about frustration!  As I was getting ready to work on this sermon, I was having difficulty with our computer.…

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At the Crossroads – David Brubacher – July 6/08

At the Crossroads July 6, 2008 David Brubacher Text: Deuteronomy 4:1-6 Mark 10:46-52         Introduction:   I was clearly of being at a crossroad in my life. Early that Sunday morning we gathered on the north east side of the Sea of Galilee for biblical reflection. Our Bat Kol study group (the same program with which Michele Rizoli and Marilyn Zehr are currently studying) gathered at the top of the cliff where a herd of pigs is believed…

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That’s the Life? – David Brubacher – June 29/08

  That’s the Life? June 29, 2008 David Brubacher Text: Ephesians 2:11-22 Mark 6:30-34, 53-56         Introduction:   With this being a long weekend I image people sitting at their campsites, cottages or decks saying, “Ah, this is the life.” Even Jesus had encouraged his disciples to take a well deserved break after a busy stretch of ministry. We live in increasingly stressful times and our bodies need rest to be engaged in the activities to which God…

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Faith Outside the Box – David Brubacher – June 8/08

  Faith Outside the Box June 8, 2008 David Brubacher Text: Matthew 9:9-13 Genesis 12:1-9       Introduction:   I like boxes. My Myers-Briggs personality type would tell you why. I like things in order. Boxes are excellent organizational and storage tools. When piles of paper get too high I can put them in a box and still know where they are. I can also store things of sentimental value.  Boxes also come in handy when moving. They are a…

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Babies and Wildflowers – Michele Rizoli – May 25/08

  Babies and Wildflowers May 25, 2008 Michele Rizoli Text: Matthew 6:24-34 Psalm 131 Isaiah 49:8-16a   In the scripture readings for today we read about two wonderful images for our relationship to God: God as a landscaper and God as a Mother. On the one hand we have visions of a field of wildflowers glowing with colour and little birds chirping and flying carefree in all directions and on the other we have the Psalm that reminds us how…

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Naming God – David Brubacher – May 18/08

  Naming God May 18, 2008David Brubacher   Text: Matthew 28:16-20 Psalm 8   Introduction:   Based on your experience with God, how would you name God? How would you describe the God you know to someone who has never heard about God? According to the Christian calendar, today is Trinity Sunday. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity which formulates belief in God as triune: traditionally names God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or as Creator, Saviour and Sustainer. Christians are…

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