Sermons & Worship Audio

Easter III: Creating Space for Others – David Brubacher – April 26/09

Creating Space for Others Easter III: Series on Other & Self April 26, 2009David Brubacher   Text: Psalm 1 John 17:6-19   The Stuckeys, retired Mennonite missionaries to Colombia spoke at a chapel services while I was a student at Canadian Mennonite Bible College. They told a story that reflects how our world view impacts creating space for others.  The Stuckeys were house parents at a residential school for children. From their home community they had a preconceived understanding of activities…

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Easter II: Living God’s Embrace – David Brubacher – April 19/09

Living God’s Embrace Easter II April 19, 2009David Brubacher   Text: Genesis 12:1-3 Philippians 2:5-11   It happened a long time ago, but I can still feel the strong 11 year old emotions. I was walking by my little brother’s high chair with a bowl of hot soup. As I walked by my little brother reached into the soup.  My brother’s cry was distressing for me. But that was not the worst. My parent’s reprimand for being too close, with the…

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Easter: Looking for Jesus? He is Alive! – Tim Schmucker – April 12/09

Looking for Jesus? He is Alive! Easter Sunday April 12, 2009Tim Schmucker   Here we are, THE most significant days of the Christian year. Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Crucifixion and resurrection. Death and new life. Exactly nine years ago, with new-born Christopher in our arms, we made a tear-filled trip to Ohio. Dad’s cancer was back, back with a vengeance. We had been told a year before that this aggressive cancer would be fatal. And sooner, not later. Now,…

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Lent V – Jodie Boyer Hatlem – March 29/09

Sermon LENT V March 29, 2009 Jodie Boyer Hatlem   The 51st Psalm has been as central part of Christian Lenten Reflection for more than 1400 years.    Traditionally the Psalm is read during the first week of Lent.  Because of the Psalm’s central place in the keeping of Lent it has been suggested that the 51st Psalm has been recited in more Christian services than any other Psalm.  This Psalm is familiar to many of us.  We have heard the…

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Lent III: Lent’s Long Journey – David Brubacher – March 15/09

Lent’s Long Journey LENT III March 15, 2009David Brubacher   Text: I Corinthians 1:18-25  Psalm 19 Exodus 20:1-17   My grandmother had a stroke when she was thirty nine. All the years I knew her she spoke with a stutter and her walk was unsteady. It was not uncommon to see gramma out walking and see her roll on a heap. I can remember several tumbles down the steep and narrow cellar steps that ended close to the stone foundation…

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Lent II: Que será, Sarah? – Michele Rizoli – March 8/09

Que será, Sarah? LENT II March 8, 2009Michele Rizoli   Text: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16  Psalm 22:23-31 Romans 4:13-25 Mark 8:31-38   What do the biblical character Sarah and Nadya Suleman have in common? Nadya (as you may know if you stand in line at supermarkets or drugstores) is a mother of 6 in California who this past January had 8 more children all at once using in-vitro fertilization. Sarah, as you may know from our Scripture story, is a mother…

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Lent I: Lent as Re-creation – Aldred Neufeldt – March 1/09

Lent as Re-creation LENT I March 1, 2009Aldred Neufeldt   Lectionary Readings: Genesis 9:8-17  Psalm 25:1-10 Mark 1:9-15 I Peter 3:18-22   Introduction Ringing in my ears and mind these days are the wonderful words and harmonies of the Mass in B minor composed by Johann Sebastian Bach (John, for short).  No doubt   other members of Pax Christi Chorale, which is performing the Mass in late April, join me in this.  As I’ve engaged with the music, I have become ever more impressed by Bach’s…

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Baptism/Communion: Rooted in Jesus – David Brubacher – Feb. 1/09

Rooted in Jesus Baptism and Communion February 1, 2009David Brubacher   Texts: John 15:1-11 Psalm 111     The “sermon” this morning includes all the things you have already seen, heard and song.  Baptism and Communion will follow as further parts of the “sermon.”  Living as I do in the middle of the vineyards of the Niagara Peninsula I offer a few reflections on John 15, Jesus the True Vine, as pertaining to Baptism and Communion.             Several years ago our neighbours built…

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Epiphany II: God’s Transforming Voice – David Brubacher – Jan. 11/09

  God’s Transforming Voice II Epiphany – The Baptism of our Lord January 11, 2009David Brubacher   Texts: Mark 1:4-11 Genesis 1:1-5 Psalm 29             The plant’s name I don’t remember. I learned of it during an overnight camel trek in the Negev desert in southern Israel.  It was July. It was hot and dry. The plant, indeed all plants, seemed to be dead. Taking a pod from the plant, our guide placed it in water…

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Epiphany: A Subversive Welcome – David Brubacher – Jan. 4/09

A Subversive Welcome Epiphany January 4, 2009David Brubacher   Texts: Matthew 2:1-12 Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14             Most of us love a good story. Good stories, when they are really good, get under our skin to touch us in the depth of our being and cause us to change our mind. The story of Epiphany as we have heard it in the scriptures read today is a story like that. It is a subversive story.              Stories,…

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