Sermons & Worship Audio

Mark's Gospel 6: What Have You to Do with Me? – Doug Johnson Hatlem – May 23, 2010

View Archived Sermons   Text: Mark 5:1-20 What have you to do with me?  This is, not only the question with which a tortured soul, or the spirits within him, challenge Jesus upon encounter in our reading this morning from Mark chapter 5.  It would also be a fair, if provocative, question to be pressed by modern hearers of Gospel exorcisms, who struggle with psychological trouble.  Or by those who walk closely with them.  What have you to do with…

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Mark's Gospel 4: Counter-culture Jesus – Aldred H. Neufeldt – May 16, 2010

View Archived Sermons   Text:  Mark 2: 18-22 Introduction Both last Sunday and today we have been and are blessed by the addition new members to our community of faith.  It’s a blessing in a number of ways.  Most immediately, there is the simple joy of celebrating the joining itself – whether by transfer and confession of faith or by baptism.  Then there is the blessing of coming to know new people – both for those who have been here…

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Mark's Gospel 3: Following the Path of Jesus – May 9, 2010 – Marilyn Zehr

View Archived Sermons     (This sermon originally included slides.)   Good morning.Here we are in a little/big church or a big /little church not far from the shores of Lake Ontario in the Beaches neighbourhood of the Metropolitan city of Toronto.  And in this church, in this gathering of followers of Christ, this morning we are celebrating the baptism of two persons, and receiving others into our fellowship upon transfer of membership and confession of faith.     In these…

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Mark's Gospel 2: Listening for God – Michele Rizoli – Apr. 25, 2010

View Archived Sermons   Scripture: Mark 4:1-9, Deuteronomy 6:4-9 “Shema Ysrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Ehad.”(Hear… the Lord is our God, the Lord is one) Mark 4:3-9He began to teach them many things in parables, and in his teaching he said to them: ‘Hear! A sower went out to sow. …. Other seed fell into good soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.’ And he said, ‘Let anyone with ears to…

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Mark’s Gospel I: Don’t You See – Tim Schmucker – Apr. 11, 2010

View Archived Sermons Gospel of Mark – overview I was one of them. One of his followers, that is. It’s safe to say that here, right? It wasn’t very safe for me that night in Gethsemane; I escaped, but not even with the shirt on my back. Anyway, I’m here because your preaching team told me that you’re starting a series on the Gospel of Mark. Let me tell you that today – the Sunday after Easter – is an…

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Who is this King of Glory? – Jodie Boyer Hatlem – Mar. 28, 2010

View Archived Sermons Palm Sunday Who is this King of Glory? Lift up your heads All ye gates And be ye lifted up You everlasting wallsThat the King of Glory might come inWho is this King of Glory? Are you the one who is to come or are we to await another? Who do people say the Son of Man is? Who is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? Who is this who is speaking blasphemies?…

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Speaking of Easter – Marilyn Zehr – Apr. 4, 2010

View Archived Sermons    Good morning.Christ is Risen,Christ is Risen indeed. So began our worship service this morning.  We shared this greeting with one another in several languages. This is one way we speak about this day and the series of events that culminated in this celebration of Easter morning. On the way to this celebration we journeyed through Lent together and with Jesus. Along the way we noted that there are some things we need to hold on to…

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Let me tell you a story – Marilyn Zehr – Mar. 14, 2010

  View Archived Sermons  A Father had two sons, and the younger one asked his Father,  “Father, give me my share of the estate.”  And his father divided his property between them….. So begins one of the most familiar stories in our scriptures. And so begins one of the most interpreted stories in our scriptures.  We’ve called it the story of the prodigal son though many interpretations of it remind us not to forget about the elder brother.  After all…

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Lent II – The Fox and the Hen – Marilyn Zehr – Feb. 28, 2010

Luke 13:31-35 Little chicks are really cute.  Their down is so soft.  If you pick one up and hold it in your hand it might become quite still and cuddle down into the warmth there, or it might squirm and try to free itself from the foreignness that you represent.  If you put it down on the ground it might scurry away, or run to join its sibling chicks – using a safety in numbers tactic to get away from…

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The Difference Makers – Marilyn Zehr – Feb. 21, 2010

  Based on Luke 4:1-13  and Psalm 91 I don’t know about the rest of you, but I enjoy watching the Olympics.  And whether you enjoy watching the games or not, it’s hard not be caught up in the intensity of the struggle of these athletes to persevere, to be their best, to take risks, and to express both the joy and the anguish of it all as they succeed in varying degrees to reach their goal.  These two weeks…

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