Sermons & Worship Audio

by Carlos Varon – July 22, 2012

View Archived Sermons Listen to This Sermon      Howling between the lightning, lost in the storm of my endless night, I seek your name oh God!  I don’t want your light blinds me  in the middle of the horror, because I need light to go on … Is what I have learned from you, not useful to live? I feel that my faith falters, God,  that bad people live better than me.. If life is hell and the honest…

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A time to be born and a time to die – Lori Unger – Jul 15, 2012

See Archived Sermons Listen to this Sermon  A time to be born and a time to die… July 15, 2012 I have in this bag some potatoes.   Actually, they’re really old potatoes, rummaged out from the back recesses of my potato cupboard last weekend.  I know you don’t have any like this at your house.  They had to finally come out because of a leaky sink – that’s a longer and completely unrelated story.  These potatoes were in a paper…

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What time is it anyway? – by JD Penner – 1 July, 2012

See Archived Sermons  Listen to this Sermon   My newspaper carrier can never deliver my newspaper on time. It’s always late. It’s supposed to be delivered by 6:00 AM, but usually it doesn’t arrive until 6:45 AM at the earliest. On most days, I don’t mind, since I usually don’t leave the house before 7, but on the days when I leave earlier, I find it really annoying. It makes me angry. There – I’ve confessed my anger. I feel…

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A time for Silence – by Marilyn Zehr – June 24, 2012

See Archived Sermons Listen to this Sermon    Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Sermons in print are only a close approximation of the oral event of the sermon.   Enjoy.   For everything there is a season,   a time for Silence, a time to speak –   Most times when I compose my thoughts for a sermon, I try to do so out of a still and quiet place of prayer and with a sermon entitled, a time for silence, I figured…

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St. Clair O'Connor Presentation – by Nicholas Dick & Otto Andres – June 3, 2012

See Archived Sermons Listen to this Presentation  SCOC Dream and Reality Introduction :          What’s the name of that song. . .                   “The times they are a changing. . .”          That seems to fit the story of St. Clair/O’Connor Community, also called SCOC.          There was a “dream”.   A dream of an intergenerational and senior’s facility to be sponsored jointly by Danforth and TUMC congregations. I do not have scripture to support our presentation since I believe Jesus’s ministry…

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The Birth of the Church – by Marilyn Zehr – May 27, 2012

View Archived Sermons Listen to this Sermon  The Birth of the Church Acts 2:1-21   They were all together, celebrating Pentecost.  As a Jewish people, Pentecost was already a festival they knew.   It was the feast of 50 days; 50 days following the Passover, and also one of three pilgrimage festivals that brought Jews from all around the Mediterranean back to Jerusalem for the celebration. This festival, like all the others, connected them to their ancient story; the story that…

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The Righteous versus the Wicked: Exclusion and Boundaries – by Tim Schmucker – May 20, 2012

View Archived Sermons Listen to this Sermon    Revised Common Lectionary Readings: Psalm 1, John 17:6-19, 1 John 5:9-13 [Acts 1:15-26]   Walter Wink died a week and a half ago. He was a biblical scholar and theologian, and Professor of Biblical Interpretation [at Auburn Theological Seminary] in New York City. He was also an activist, an outspoken leader against the Vietnam war in the 60s, and then in the 80s, with his books banned in South Africa, he managed…

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Willowgrove Peace – by John Wideman – May 6, 2012

See Archived Sermons Listen to this Sermon    Hello my name is John Wideman and I’ve been the Peace Program Director at Willowgrove for two years now. Willowgrove is a not-for-profit organization that’s affiliated with the Mennonite Church and commits itself to serving a diverse community, teaching peacemaking and non-violence, and caring for the land that God has entrusted to us. Through Willowgrove Outdoor Education Centre, Glenbrook Day Camp, Fraser Lake Camp (in Bancroft ON), Master Peace Theatre (a drama…

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