Sermons & Worship Audio

Restoring the Dead Branch: God’s work, not ours – sermon by Christina Reimer – April 2 2017

April 2, 2017 Lent V. Theme: Restore us, oh God! We breathe. Scriptures: Psalm 130; John 11: 1 – 45. Listen to this service: Hear the whole service . Just the sermon (Begins with the second scripture reading, a prayer, and then the sermon). This sermon is part of the preaching series, “Credo: Faithful Moorings”. Restoring the Dead Branch: God’s work, not ours Read the sermon as a PDF. Link to the Sermon Archive.

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March 26, 2017 Lent IV. Theme: Restore us, oh God! We see. Scriptures: Ephesians 5: 1 – 14; John 9: 1 – 41. Listen to this service: Hear the whole service . Just the sermon (Begins with the second scripture reading, and then JD’s sermon). When seeing is not believing Read the sermon as a PDF. Link to the Sermon Archive.

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Grace – sermon by Michele Rae Rizoli – March 19 2017

March 19, 2017 Lent III. Theme: Restore us, oh God! We thirst. Scriptures: Exodus 17: 1 – 7; John 4: 5 – 42. Listen to this service: Hear the whole service , beginning with the first scripture reading. Just the sermon (Begins with the prayer of illumination, and then Michele’s sermon). This sermon is part of the preaching series, “Credo: Faithful Moorings”. Grace Read the sermon as a PDF. Link to the Sermon Archive.

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The Holy Spirit – sermon by Peter Haresnape – March 12 2017

March 12, 2017 Listen to this service: Hear the whole service (The Children’s Time was too quiet to hear, so it was omitted). Just the sermon (Begins with the final Scripture reading, a prayer of illumination, and then Peter’s sermon). This sermon is part of the preaching series, “Credo: Faithful Moorings”. The Holy Spirit Read the sermon as a PDF. Link to the Sermon Archive.

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