Sermons & Worship Audio

Eve: Helpmate, Mother and Unsealer of the Forbidden Tree – sermon by Christina Reimer – Feb 23 2020

Advent & Epiphany 2019/2020: Bearing Light: Women in Scripture Scriptures: Genesis 1: 26 – 28; Genesis 2: 15 – 25 Listen to this service: The service. (The audio cut off just as the sermon began). Eve: Helpmate, Mother and Unsealer of the Forbidden Tree Read the notes for the sermon, as a PDF. Link to the Sermon Archive.

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Encounters with the Divine: The Stories of Sarah and Hagar – sermon by Michele Rizoli – Jan 5 2020

Advent & Epiphany 2019: Bearing Light: Women in Scripture Scriptures: Genesis 18; Matthew 2: 1 – 12 Listen to this service: The service. (The audio ended before the sermon was complete, so we did not include it separately). Encounters with the Divine: The Stories of Sarah and Hagar Read the notes for the sermon, as a PDF. Link to the Sermon Archive.

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Bearing Light: Women in Scripture: Letters to “Luke” – sermon by Michele Rizoli – Dec 22 2019

Advent & Epiphany 2019: Bearing Light: Women in Scripture Scriptures: Psalm 34: 2 – 3; Luke 1: 5 – 65 Listen to this service: The service. (There is a brief pause after the sermon, which lasted 2 minutes during the service). The sermon, alone. Letters to “Luke” Read the notes for the sermon, as a PDF. Link to the Sermon Archive.

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